If any sister has something they would like me to add to the blog, PLEASE email Jesse at billjesse17@gmail.com or send me a text until a permanent blogger has been decided.

Really this blog is only as good as the information I have to add to it. Sometimes I miss some of the announcments and need you to help me out if I don't remember to add them.

Monday, October 27, 2008


Thanks, everyone, for making Super Saturday
a HUGE success!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Visiting Teaching Video

Regardless of personal circumstances, we all need to know that we are loved and that someone cares. Visiting teaching is not just a lesson or a phone call. It is concerned, deep interest in the lives of others. It is about giving what the other person needs, not necessarily what we want to give. More than anything else, visiting teaching is a way for us to help each other feel the Savior's love in our lives. October 2008 Ensign - Name Withheld

Please pause the "playlist" at the end of the blog before playing video.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Remember - Super Saturday is coming soon!!! Mark October 25th on your calendar. Come and work on a project; help tie a quilt; work on humantarian project; or just come and have lunch and enjoy some great company.

See you there!!