If any sister has something they would like me to add to the blog, PLEASE email Jesse at billjesse17@gmail.com or send me a text until a permanent blogger has been decided.

Really this blog is only as good as the information I have to add to it. Sometimes I miss some of the announcments and need you to help me out if I don't remember to add them.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

June Family Canning Schedule-Idaho Falls, ID

This is a letter received from the Cannery:

Brothers & Sisters:

You will find attached the June Schedule for Family Canning at the Idaho Falls ID Cannery.

I thought I would give you an update as to where we are at in regards to canning any meat products, as most of you are aware we have not done since last year. It has been determined that we will not be able to offer any Family Canning of any Meat Products, which is the Chicken Chucks, Chili, Beef Stew, etc.

There may still be hope. We are looking into the possibility of becoming a USDA Certified Facility. If we are successful in accomplishing this, we would be able to offer these products. Given our present welfare canning schedule, it would probably not happen until towards the end of the year. We will keep you informed as to our progress.

Charlie Olsen

PS: We will only be sending out the Family Canning Schedules via e-mail. If you have friends, family, etc that would like to get on our e-mail list and receive any future notification, please have them e-mail me at: 0lsench@ldschurch.org and request to be put on our e-mail list. Please have them include their name along with their e-mail address.

Here is the June Schedule:

June 2, 2009 (Tuesday): Seedless Raspberry Jam-in cannery Smooth pint bottles. $2.24/Pint

June 3, 2009 (Wednesday): Seedless Strawberry Jam-in cannery Smooth pint bottles $1.44Pint
and Peach Puree Jam-in cannery Smooth pint bottles $1.41/Pint

June 4, 2009 (Thursday):Seedless Blackberry Jam-in cannery Smooth pint bottles $1.82/pint and Whole Berry Blueberry Jam-in cannery Smooth pint bottles $2.41/pint

June 9, 2009 (Tuesday): Tomato Soup (14.5oz cans) $20.40/case (24 cans per case)

June 10, 2009 (Wednesday): Salsa - in cannery Smooth pint bottles $1.17/pint and in cannery Smooth quart bottles $2.16/quart

June 11, 2009 (Thursday): Spaghetti Sauce- In cannery Smooth pint bottles $1.23/pint or in cannery Smooth quart bottles $2.16/quart

June 16, 2009 (Tuesday): Cream of Mushroom Soup (14.5 oz cans) $22.80/case (24 cans per case)

June 17, 2009 (Wednesday): Pork and Beans (14.5 oz cans) $18.48/case (24 cans per case)

June 18, 2009 (Thursday): Honey- in pint bottles it is $3.65 each and in half gallons it is $12.65 each.

June 24, 2009 (Wednesday): Potatoes 14.5 oz cans is $19.68 case (24 cans per case) or 27oz cans is $11.88 case (12 cans per case)

It is Church policy that you work at the cannery for the items you wish to purchase. If you wish to place an order, call: 529-2201. We will start taking names on May 4, 2009. Case Limit per Person is 6, if you would like more cases, bring more people.

All shifts start at 8:00 am and go until finished

Check or Cash (Exact change Please)