If any sister has something they would like me to add to the blog, PLEASE email Jesse at billjesse17@gmail.com or send me a text until a permanent blogger has been decided.

Really this blog is only as good as the information I have to add to it. Sometimes I miss some of the announcments and need you to help me out if I don't remember to add them.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Mark your Calendars…

Do you wake up some mornings and your hair looks like this…


if so, then mark your calendars…Thursday February 18th at 6:30 Jill Patterson and Darlene Kunz will be teaching us different techniques to use with different hair style. They will be using “models” to demonstrate. It will be a night of fun, laughter information and friends!!! Hope you can make it.

Light Refreshments will be served.

Thursday February 18th at 6:30. Victor Church House.

1 comment:

Cody and Jill said...

I love the picture you choose it couldn't be better!