If any sister has something they would like me to add to the blog, PLEASE email Jesse at billjesse17@gmail.com or send me a text until a permanent blogger has been decided.

Really this blog is only as good as the information I have to add to it. Sometimes I miss some of the announcments and need you to help me out if I don't remember to add them.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


In this day and age the use of technology is one very helpful way to keep us all connected and united. So, if you could PLEASE email Shelley your email address we will be able to better keep you informed as to what is going on! Her email address is idahostreit@hotmail.com. If it is easier for you to just leave a comment, please feel free to do so, and I will get her your email address!

Thanks so much.

DONT FORGET that Thursday, April 29th we will be having a night of "Mini Classes." It should be a great night!!!

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