If any sister has something they would like me to add to the blog, PLEASE email Jesse at billjesse17@gmail.com or send me a text until a permanent blogger has been decided.

Really this blog is only as good as the information I have to add to it. Sometimes I miss some of the announcments and need you to help me out if I don't remember to add them.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Church this Sunday

Just wanting to let you know that church will be held this Sunday at the Victor Elementary, regular block of meetings 9:00-12:00. Sacrament will be held in the gym and then they will instruct you where to go from there.

Also, I wasn’t able to be there last night, so if anyone has pictures from the R.S. barbeque at Nancy’s please email them to me, and I will share them with the other sisters.

Thanks Brandi

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